A New Sunrise
My first endeavour to do something serious in 3D: making a game modification. I was a huge fan of the C&C series, almost obsessed with, actually. I've started converting Generals: Zero Hour into a third and final part of the Tiberium Saga, how Westwood should have done. After CnC3: Kane's Wrath released, I switched over to it, because the engine was way more advanced there.
Long story short I couldn't make it to the end. I've developed some assets, such as the tank presented here, and even found two teammates who were willing to help. But eventually I screwed it up due to procrastination and also because I've met a girl.
After many years I've realised I missed two key parts to nail the project down:
- Clear plan of release, to say "this month I must release such and such units, and in the next one - the following units".
- Reliable and scalable pipeline for asset production: every asset was a snowflake and instead of building a library of reusable, say, decals and sprites, I started texturing each unit from scratch. Of course, it didn't scale and I soon lost motivation.
Most of the work later perished along with the HDD I got it "backed up" to. However, I miraculously somehow managed to salvage one asset: the Hover MRLS of GDI, untextured. Here it's now presented, rendered in Blender almost twenty years later, at 2025.
Such a relic from my youth!
The modification account is still up and running on ModDB.
UP: Also decided to put some low res renders and hand drawn concepts from that time, just in case ModDB stops working or something.