
A New Sunrise

Year: 2008

My first endeavour to do something serious in 3D: making a game modification. I was a huge fan of the C&C series, almost obsessed with, actually. I've started converting Generals: Zero Hour into a third and final part of the Tiberium Saga, how Westwood should have done. After CnC3: Kane's Wrath released, I switched over to it, because the engine was way more advanced there.

Long story short I couldn't make it to the end. I've developed some assets, such as the tank presented here, and even found two teammates who were willing to help. But eventually I screwed it up due to procrastination and also because I've met a girl.

After many years I've realised I missed two key parts to nail the project down:

  • Clear plan of release, to say "this month I must release such and such units, and in the next one - the following units".
  • Reliable and scalable pipeline for asset production: every asset was a snowflake and instead of building a library of reusable, say, decals and sprites, I started texturing each unit from scratch. Of course, it didn't scale and I soon lost motivation.

Most of the work later perished along with the HDD I got it "backed up" to. However, I miraculously somehow managed to salvage one asset: the Hover MRLS of GDI, untextured. Here it's now presented, rendered in Blender almost twenty years later, at 2025.

Such a relic from my youth!

The modification account is still up and running on ModDB.

UP: Also decided to put some low res renders and hand drawn concepts from that time, just in case ModDB stops working or something.

Learned this time

Try streamlining processes, isolate similar parts that can be re-used.
Have a delivery plan.
