
Hello there
My name is Sergei. Yeh, that photo above is how I actually look in real life.
I am a full-stack software engineer in web domain. I walk both worlds: front-end and back-end. I enjoy writing efficient, clean code of high standard, as well as making crappy prototypes to validate ideas.
Being passionate about technology, I have good relationships with React, TypeScript and Golang. I am a fierce evangelist of infrastructure-as-code and a cloud native application practitioner. However, I also keep myself exposed to other related technologies.
I believe that healthy teamwork, mutual respect along with strong focus on company's interests is the key to achieving success.
Sometimes I publish articles on what I recently learned.
I like good architecture, 3d visualization, Arduino, AI, good drama and horror movies, science fiction. I enjoy graphically well-made anime, such as by Ghibli. I am also interested in politics (yes, don't look at me like that).
I don't like pets, sorry, for I have vast and mostly unpleasant background. I adore children though. I am a happy father of a little cute boy, awwww.
I am currently based in Berlin, Germany. You can always drop me a message.