
Scripting for better devops: a Python kata

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Posted on 15.08.2023
Last updated on 04.12.2024
Image by AI on Midjourney

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I like automating things, so I try cutting edges where possible. One of those tiny annoying daily routines was figuring the correct cluster to select with kubectl, when only a country name is known. Surely, if someone has just 2-3 countries, or even regional deployment, this is not a problem at all. On the contrary, if the deployment has 30, 40, 70 countries, then it becomes a challenge.

Another common task would be to proxy the database connection to a country database, live or staging.

Lastly, automating the process of exporting this database and subsequently importing it into my local database would be a good candidate for automation.

So, I've opted to create a script.

Initially, I considered writing a script using NodeJS, however, not every engineer has the NodeJS runtime at their disposal. This poses significant distribution challenges, particularly in case if the script is to be integrated into a project repository. Bash scripting was also off the table. Despite it's ubiquity, I find this language quite unwieldy, somehow cumbersome and not well suited for scripts of substantial complexity.

Eventually I've decided to give Python a try. After all, Python is a language of many applications: system scripting, plugin development, cloud native development.

# The script

👉 📃  devops_swissknife.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import subprocess
from typing import List
LIVE_PROJECT_NAME = "my-project-live"
STG_PROJECT_NAME = "my-project-stg"
SRC_DB_NAME = "project-db"
SRC_DB_USER_NAME = "project-db-username"
DST_DB_NAME = "project-db"
DST_DB_USER_NAME = "project-db-username"
DST_DB_PORT = "5432"
DUMP_FILE_NAME = "/tmp/database-dump.sql"
DUMP_ALTERED_FILE_NAME = "/tmp/database-dump-altered.sql"
regions = {
"eu": "europe-west1",
"us": "us-east1",
clusters = {
"eu": "gke_my-project-live_europe-west1_01",
"us": "gke_my-project-live_us-east1_01",
countries_live: List[Country] = [
Country(name="USA", code="us", region="us", db_instance="live-us"),
Country(name="Germany", code="de", region="eu", db_instance="live-de"),
countries_stg: List[Country] = [
Country(name="USA", code="us", region="us", db_instance="stg-us", project=STG_PROJECT_NAME),
countries_local: List[Country] = [
Country(name="Local", code="lo", region="lo", db_instance="local", project=""),
class Country:
name: str = ""
code: str = ""
region: str = ""
db_instance: str = ""
db_instance_replica: str = ""
project_name: str = LIVE_PROJECT_NAME
def __init__(self, name: str = "", code: str = "", region: str = "", db_instance: str = "", db_instance_replica: str = "", canary: bool = False, project_name: str = LIVE_PROJECT_NAME):
self.name = name
self.code = code
self.region = region
self.db_instance = db_instance
self.db_instance_replica = db_instance_replica
if self.db_instance_replica == "":
self.db_instance_replica = self.db_instance+"-replica"
self.project_name = project_name
def get_connection(self) -> str:
return "{}:{}:{}".format(self.project_name, regions[self.region], self.db_instance)
def get_replica_connection(self) -> str:
return "{}:{}:{}".format(self.project_name, regions[self.region], self.db_instance_replica)
def get_name_upper(self) -> str:
return self.name.upper()
def get_code_upper(self) -> str:
return self.code.upper()
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
action = args.action
env = args.env
country = args.country
rw = args.rw
if action == "proxy_database":
found_country = find_country(country, env)
if found_country == None:
print("No such country: {}".format(country))
if rw:
print("Caution: read-write mode enabled!")
proxy_database(found_country, rw)
elif action == "select_cluster":
found_country = find_country(country, env)
if found_country == None:
print("No such country: {}".format(country))
elif action == "dump_database":
def select_cluster(country: Country):
kubectl_cmd = get_absolute_path("kubectl")
execute("{} config use-context {}".format(kubectl_cmd, clusters[country.region]))
def proxy_database(country: Country, rw: bool):
connection = country.get_connection()
if rw:
connection = country.get_replica_connection()
cloud_sql_proxy_cmd = get_absolute_path("cloud_sql_proxy")
execute("{} -instances={}=tcp:54321".format(cloud_sql_proxy_cmd, connection))
def dump_database() -> None:
print("This action dumps the remote database to the local Postgres instance. Make sure the SQL proxy is running.")
src_db_password = getpass.getpass("Source database password: ")
if src_db_password == "":
print("The password may not be empty")
src_connection_string = "postgres://{}:{}@{}".format(SRC_DB_USER_NAME, src_db_password, SRC_DB_NAME)
dst_connection_string = "postgres://{}:{}@{}".format(DST_DB_USER_NAME, DST_DB_PASSWORD, DST_DB_PORT)
pg_connection_string = "{}/postgres".format(dst_connection_string)
print("Running this action will overwrite your local database. Type \"yes\" to proceed.")
user_confirmation = input()
if user_confirmation != "yes":
print("Operation cancelled")
print("Dumping the remote database...")
execute_no_echo("pg_dump {} > {}".format(src_connection_string, DUMP_FILE_NAME))
execute("psql \"{}\" -c \"drop database if exists \\\"{}\\\"\"".format(pg_connection_string, DST_DB_NAME))
execute("psql \"{}\" template1 -c \"create database \\\"{}\\\" with owner {}\"".format(pg_connection_string, DST_DB_NAME, DST_DB_USER_NAME))
print("Importing the database locally...")
execute("psql \"{}/{}\" < {}".format(dst_connection_string, DST_DB_NAME, DUMP_ALTERED_FILE_NAME))
execute("rm {}".format(DUMP_FILE_NAME))
execute("rm {}".format(DUMP_ALTERED_FILE_NAME))
def execute(command):
print("Executing: {}".format(command))
subprocess.run(command, shell=False)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Ctrl+C pressed. Exiting gracefully.")
def execute_no_echo(command):
subprocess.run(command, shell=False)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Ctrl+C pressed. Exiting gracefully.")
def get_absolute_path(cmd):
output = subprocess.run("which {}".format(cmd), capture_output=True, shell=True)
return output.stdout.decode()[:-1]
def find_country(country: str, env: str) -> Country:
country_list = countries_stg
if env = "live":
country_list = countries_live
elif env = "lo":
country_list = countries_local
country_uppercased = country.upper()
for country_element in countries:
if (country_element.get_name_upper() == country_uppercased or country_element.get_code_upper() == country_uppercased):
return country_element
return None
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A helper tool for faster devops")
parser.add_argument("country", type=str, help="The country name or code")
parser.add_argument("env", choices=["live", "stg", "lo"], help="Environment")
parser.add_argument("action", choices=["proxy_database", "select_cluster", "dump_database"], help="What to do")
parser.add_argument("--rw", action="store_true", help="If set to TRUE, the connection will be writable")
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
The code is licensed under the MIT license

# Preparing the virtual env

It is recommended to run a python script within a dedicated virtual environment. To do so, type:

python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
The code is licensed under the MIT license

I don't have any external dependencies, but should I have any, the following command must also be executed:

pip install -r requirements.txt
The code is licensed under the MIT license

# Running the script

When running the script the action must be specified, along with the other parameters:

python ./devops_swissknife.py --action proxy_database --env live --country de --rw
The code is licensed under the MIT license

Well, this script has proven to be useful, I will be adding new features if I see fit.


Sergei Gannochenko

Business-oriented fullstack engineer, in ❤️ with Tech.
Golang, React, TypeScript, Docker, AWS, Jamstack.
20+ years in dev.