My Shell Script cheat-sheet
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Posted on 03.06.2020
Last updated on 04.12.2024
Image by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash
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Can't say I use shell scripting a lot, but when I do, I am always struggling with remembering certain useful syntax. So, this is just a reminder for the most frequently-used syntax.
LIST=$(ls -l)
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DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
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The code is licensed under the MIT license
FOLDER="$(pwd)"for file in ${FOLDER}/*dols -l "$file"done
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basename /foo/bar/baz/wheel.txt
The code is licensed under the MIT license
FILE=/etc/hostsif [[ -f "$FILE" ]]; thenecho "$FILE exists."elseecho "$FILE does not exist."fiif [[ ! -f "$FILE" ]]; thenecho "$FILE does not exist."elseecho "$FILE exists."fi
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The variables will be only visible to the current process.
if [ -f .env ]thenexport $(cat .env | xargs)fi
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On every new machine I prefer having some predefined aliased and settings I am used to. So normally I write this:
👉 📃 ~/.bash_profile
export PS1='[\t]:\u@\W\$ 'export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/binalias ll="ls -alFh"alias cp="cp -r"
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I always keep forgetting to apply it immediately afterwards ^^
source ~/.bash_profile
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read -p "Running this script will sell your kidney. Proceed? " -n 1 -rechoif [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]then# dangerous operation herefi
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function enterDir {echo "Entering $1"pushd $1 > /dev/null}enterDir /tmp/foo
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set -e
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while getopts a:b:c: flagdocase "${flag}" ina) OPTION_A=${OPTARG};;b) OPTION_B=${OPTARG};;c) OPTION_C=${OPTARG};;*) exit 1esacdoneecho ${OPTION_A}echo ${OPTION_B}echo ${OPTION_C}
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This can be really powerful when combined with the default value setter.
if ! command -v <command_name> &> /dev/nullthenecho "The command was not found"exitfi
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ls fooif [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; thenecho "No such directory"fi
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Not exactly related to Shell scripting, but still could be useful in many cases.
@awk '{sub("fromstring","tostring")} {print}' ./.env.sample > temp.txt@mv temp.txt ./.env.test
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or, better:
sed -e "s/one/another/g" -e "s/string1/string2/g" file.txt > altered_file.txt
The code is licensed under the MIT license
Sergei Gannochenko
Business-oriented fullstack engineer, in ❤️ with Tech.
Golang, React, TypeScript, Docker, AWS, Jamstack.
19+ years in dev.
Golang, React, TypeScript, Docker, AWS, Jamstack.
19+ years in dev.