
Copy data between databases: a Golang kata
This time I had a task of transferring some data between two Postgres instances, and I decided to go with a script.
👉 Note: Clearly, it takes a while to write code in Go, even knowing the syntax and packages by heart. That is, in case if, by chance, you know Node or Python, it would make sense to make use of this technology for making one-purpose scripts instead, because the development cycle there is objectively shorter.
Having a script for that kind of tasks is normally considered to be an overkill. If one wishes to copy data from one table to another, they just use the select-insert SQL syntax. Alternatively, the pg_dump and psql can be used to copy entire tables.
In my cases I needed to copy data between two database instances, potentially with some intricate logic implemented, so the thing was more similar to a migration script. Here is what I ended up with, give or take some styling and omitting all business-related stuff.
The core class is presented in the listing below. The code is quite self-explanatory.
package copierimport ("context""database/sql""fmt""github.com/gocraft/dbr/v2""github.com/gocraft/dbr/v2/dialect""github.com/google/uuid""github.com/lib/pq""github.com/luna-duclos/instrumentedsql")const (// TableName holds the name of the table which contains elements we copyTableName = "elements")type Options struct {SrcDBPort int32SrcDBUser stringSrcDBPassword stringDstDBPort int32DstDBUser stringDstDBPassword string}// Element describes a structure of an element we copy.// The field types could be as well just interface{}, because I simply copy-paste it, not manipulating.type Element struct {ID string `db:"id"`Title string `db:"title"`}type Copier struct {options *Options}func New(options *Options) *Copier {return &Copier{options: options,}}// CopyElements copies elements under given IDs from the source database to a destination databasefunc (c *Copier) CopyElements(ids []string) error {srcDB, dstDB, err := c.makeConnections()if err != nil {return err}defer srcDB.Close()defer dstDB.Close()srcDBSession := srcDB.NewSession(nil)dstDBSession := dstDB.NewSession(nil)// for the destination table session we create a transaction,// so in case if there is a problem, the entire operation gets rolled backdstDBTransaction, err := dstDBSession.Begin()if err != nil {return err}defer dstDBTransaction.RollbackUnlessCommitted()ctx := context.Background()processed := 0for _, id := range ids {// for every ID we get an element from the source database// absence of en element is not an errorelement, err := c.getElementByID(ctx, srcDBSession, id)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("Could not read element with id %s\n", id)return err}if element.ID == "" {fmt.Printf("Could not read element with id %s: element not found\n", id)continue}fmt.Printf("Copying element %s\n", id)err = c.saveElement(ctx, dstDBTransaction, element)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("Could not create an element with id %s\n", element.ID)return err}processed += 1}err = dstDBTransaction.Commit()if err != nil {return err}fmt.Printf("Done. Items processed: %d\n", processed)return nil}// getElementByID returns an element from the source database, by it's IDfunc (c *Copier) getElementByID(ctx context.Context, session *dbr.Session, id string) (element *Element, err error) {_, err = session.Select("*").From(TableName).Where("id = ?", id).LoadContext(ctx, &element)if err != nil {return nil, err}return element, nil}// saveElement saves a given element to the destination databasefunc (c *Copier) saveElement(ctx context.Context, session *dbr.Tx, element *Element) error {columns := []string{"id", "title"}// to avoid primary key collisions, the ID column must be differentelement.ID = uuid.New().String()err := session.InsertInto(TableName).Columns(columns...).Record(element).LoadContext(ctx, &element.ID)if err != nil {return err}return nil}// makeConnections creates two connections: for a database to read from, and for a database to write tofunc (c *Copier) makeConnections() (srcDBConn *dbr.Connection, dstDBConn *dbr.Connection, err error) {sql.Register("instrumented-postgres", instrumentedsql.WrapDriver(&pq.Driver{}))// making a connection to an instance we read fromsrcDB, err := c.makeConnection(c.makeDBInfo(c.options.SrcDBPort, c.options.SrcDBUser, c.options.SrcDBPassword))if err != nil {return nil, nil, err}// making a connection to an instance we write todstDB, err := c.makeConnection(c.makeDBInfo(c.options.DstDBPort, c.options.DstDBUser, c.options.DstDBPassword))if err != nil {srcDB.Close()return nil, nil, err}return srcDB, dstDB, nil}// makeDBInfo returns a connection string for a chosen instancefunc (c *Copier) makeDBInfo(port int32, user string, password string) string {return fmt.Sprintf("host=localhost port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=test sslmode=disable",port,user,password,)}// makeConnection makes a connection using a provided connection stringfunc (c *Copier) makeConnection(dbInfo string) (*dbr.Connection, error) {// make a connection, using a specific driverdbConnection, err := sql.Open("instrumented-postgres", dbInfo)if err != nil {return nil, err}// check if the connection is really thereerr = dbConnection.Ping()if err != nil {return nil, err}// create a dbr wrapping connectionreturn &dbr.Connection{DB: dbConnection,Dialect: dialect.PostgreSQL,EventReceiver: &dbr.NullEventReceiver{},}, nil}
There was also a bunch of helpers to prompt a user for passwords and read CSV data.
package utilimport ("encoding/csv""fmt""os""golang.org/x/term")func PromptUser(prompt string) string {fmt.Print(prompt + ": ")input, _ := term.ReadPassword(0)fmt.Print("\n")return string(input)}func ReadCSV(filePath string) ([]string, error) {file, err := os.Open(filePath)if err != nil {return nil, err}defer file.Close()csvReader := csv.NewReader(file)rows, err := csvReader.ReadAll()if err != nil {return nil, err}var records []stringfor _, row := range rows {records = append(records, row[0])}return records, nil}
To make everything neat and closer to an actual application, I wrapped the whole thing with a CLI command manager.
package mainimport ("fmt""os""strconv""copydata/internal/copier""copydata/internal/util""github.com/urfave/cli/v2")func main() {app := &cli.App{Name: "copy-data",Usage: "Just another Golang kata",Commands: []*cli.Command{{Name: "copy",Aliases: []string{"c"},Usage: "Copy data from one db instance to another",Flags: []cli.Flag{&cli.StringFlag{Name: "file",Usage: "File containing a list of IDs",},&cli.StringFlag{Name: "src-port",Value: "54321",Usage: "Source instance port",},&cli.StringFlag{Name: "src-user",Value: "test",Usage: "Source database user",},&cli.StringFlag{Name: "dst-port",Value: "54322",Usage: "Destination instance port",},&cli.StringFlag{Name: "dst-user",Value: "test",Usage: "Destination database user",},},Action: func(cCtx *cli.Context) error {filePath := cCtx.String("file")srcPort := cCtx.String("src-port")srcUser := cCtx.String("src-user")srcPassword := util.PromptUser("Source database password")dstPort := cCtx.String("dst-port")dstUser := cCtx.String("dst-user")dstPassword := util.PromptUser("Destination database password")srcPortNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(srcPort)if err != nil {panic(err)}dstPortNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(dstPort)if err != nil {panic(err)}idList, err := util.ReadCSV(filePath)copierInstance := copier.New(&copier.Options{SrcDBPort: int32(srcPortNumber),SrcDBUser: srcUser,SrcDBPassword: srcPassword,DstDBPort: int32(dstPortNumber),DstDBUser: dstUser,DstDBPassword: dstPassword,})err = copierInstance.CopyElements(idList)if err != nil {panic(err)}return nil},},},}if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {panic(err)}}
Well, there is actually not much to add to this. A pretty straight-forward example of how to work with databases in Go and create a simple CLI application. The code is by tradition here. Hope the article was helpful to whoever read it :)
If you are using GCP, there is a lovely tool called cloud_sql_proxy by Google. It allows forwarding a connection to a CloudDB instance into a local TCP port. All you need is to have a service account armed and ready, and boom: saves a lot of time and hassle.
cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<PROJECT_NAME>:<REGION>:<CLOUDDB_INSTANCE_NAME>=tcp:<LOCAL_PORT>

Sergei Gannochenko
Golang/Node, React, TypeScript, Docker/K8s, AWS/GCP, NextJS.
20+ years in dev.